Sunday, May 9, 2010

Deputy Test

***This post is only for Sunblaze, Moonbeam, and Spiritsong TO COMMENT ON. PLEASE EVERYONE READ THEIR COMMENTS***

Answer these questions:

1) Why do you want to become deputy?

2) What ideas would you contribute to this clan?

3) If you were made deputy, who would you be thinking of during your ceremony?


  1. 1. I would like to become deputy because I am a naturally good leader, and I am very wise and would love to put my talents towards helping lead and protect Indigoclan.

    2.I would like to start a fresh-kill pile, and I would also like to start patrols around our borders to make sure of no hostile rogues, and hunting patrols.

    3.I would be thinking of how honored I am to be able to serve and help lead Indigoclan. I would also be thinking about how I would protect my clan (Indigoclan) with my life.


  2. 1. I would like to become deputy because I have a very wide range of warrior knowledge. I also am not deputy on practically any clan, and I would love to be deputy! I want to be deputy because this clan is awesome!! I have always wanted to be it. I also go on a lot, and I will protect this Clan with all my might!

    2. I will come up with patrols, I will roleplay with other cats in this clan, I will make sure all the borders are protected and covered at all times with our clan's scent. If anyone somehow gets by, I will attack the cat and mak ehim surrender or die. I will make sure the cats are always loyal to you.

    3. If I was chosen as deputy, I would think of everyone who helped me make my dream come true. I would also thin of how lucky I am to be the deputy of IndigoClan. I also be thinking of protecting the clan, even at the cost of my life. I will die to defend this clan (even if I'm not deputy). I would also think of how grateful I am that Nvystar chose me for deputy. If I am deputy, the cats running for deputy will be thought of as fantastically fantastic warriors, for they were noble enough to compete for the position.

    Thank you Navystar. If you don't choose me as deputy, I understand. I won't be sad. Just choose who you think should be deputy. Just look into your heart, and you will find the answer. Thank you for at least letting me in the competition,I am very thankful for that. :)


  3. 1) Why do you want to become deputy?

    I would like to become deputy because I am a good leader. In real life I am a twin with my brother, and I am the true leader. I can be trusted easily, and I can stick up for my clan.
    I would never cause pain, or hurt anyone. I am willing to protect the clan with my life.

    2) What ideas would you contribute to this clan?

    I am known as the thinker. I would bring many ideas. I would role play as I already do, and be good at it. I wouldn't be to dramatic and I would like to make things up. Like border patrols, and hunting for the clan.

    3) If you were made deputy, who would you be thinking of during your ceremony?
    I would be thinking. I can't believe I got picked! Out of the other good contestents I got picked!.. I will truly prove myself worthy and never be a dissapointment! Thank you everyone who has helped me! And thank you Navystar! I will not let you down! I will risk my life for IndigoClan! I will never let you down! Thank StarClan.

    ~Even if I don't get picked I will still be a good warrior! Thanks Navystar!


  4. Thank you all. I will consider my decision...

  5. Okay. :)
    When will you announce the winner?
