Saturday, May 1, 2010

Deputy Contest

Alright, the cats running for Deputy are: Sunblaze, Spiritsong, Spiritmoon, Littleface, and Moonbeam. This contest CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR THE 1ST WARRIORS CAT SERIES!!!!! So, if you haven't read them, be prepared. The first three cats to answer all the questions will move on to the poll. This will show me that you come on often and that you have some knowledge about the world of Warriors.

1) What is the name of the medicine cat of Thunderclan when Firepaw first comes into the forest? Who is she killed by?
2) What is the warrior name that Bluestar, I repeat BLUESTAR, gives Brightpaw?
3) In Fire & Ice, what is the name of the Riverclan warrior who Graystripe is unable to save from falling off of the gorge?
4) In what book does Yellowfang die? Of what?
5) Who does Ravenpaw (love him!) go to stay with in Into the Wild?
6) Who kills Whitestorm? (whoever it is, THEY WILL DIE!!!!)
7) Who gives Firestar the life of mentoring, and what does he experience?


  1. Brightstar/SpiritsongMay 1, 2010 at 12:42 PM

    1. Spottedleaf; Clawface
    2. Lostface
    3. Whitethroat
    4. Book 5 of the first series; She dies of a fire
    5. Barley
    6. Bone
    7. Swiftpaw; He experienced the death of Swiftpaw.

  2. Brightstar/SpiritsongMay 1, 2010 at 5:36 PM

    Lol Spiritpaw I believe you :)

  3. Okay, both of you got everything right except for #3, so try again.

  4. 1) What is the name of the medicine cat of Thunderclan when Firepaw first comes into the forest? Who is she killed by?

    Spottedleaf and by Clawface

    2) What is the warrior name that Bluestar, I repeat BLUESTAR, gives Brightpaw?


    3) In Fire & Ice, what is the name of the Riverclan warrior who Graystripe is unable to save from falling off of the gorge?

    It is NOT Whitethroat everyone! Its is Whiteclaw! :D

    4) In what book does Yellowfang die? Of what?

    In Rising Storm Yellowfang died. She went to save two elders, Halftail and Patchpelt, with Fireheart and he saw Bramblekit in a tree, he saved him but the tree fell into the ravine blocking Yellowfang's exit and sending her for safety in the medicine cat's den. Fireheart found her and she died telling him about her son.

    5) Who does Ravenpaw (love him!) go to stay with in Into the Wild?


    6) Who kills Whitestorm? (whoever it is, THEY WILL DIE!!!!)

    (Lol Whitestorm was cool!) Bone, Scourge's 'deputy' for BloodClan

    7) Who gives Firestar the life of mentoring, and what does he experience?

    Swiftpaw, he experiance the terror of what happened before the last moments of Swiftpaw's life.


  5. 1) Spottedleaf and she was killed by Clawface

    2) Lostface

    3) Whiteclaw

    4) Yellowfang dies in the forth book and she is killed by the fire.

    5) Barley the loner

    6) Bone; Scrouge's deputy

    7) Swiftpaw


  6. 1. Spottedleaf, Clawface
    2. Lostface
    3. Whiteclaw
    4. Book 5, a dangerous Path - killed by a fire
    5. Barley
    6. Bone kills Whitestorm
    7. Swiftpaw gives Fireheart/Firestar the life of mentoring, he experiences Swiftpaws death.


  7. Okay, the first three to get it right are Sunblaze, Moonbeam, and Littleface. I'm sorry to the rest of you, but you can still be great warriors! Thanks for trying. I will put up a poll on who we think should be the best deputy. Thank you all!!!

  8. What?!?! NOOOOOO!!! I wanted to be deputy :'(

    #3 is WhiteCLAW

    Please accept me, and I didn't copy the answer, I'm not a cheater.

  9. Skyheart (too lazy to sign in)May 2, 2010 at 8:42 AM

    OKAY!!!!! You know what, answer these questions to be officially in the running for deputy.

  10. Spottedleaf, Clawface killed her
    Rising storm. She dies in the fire trying to save Patchpelt
    Bone, deputy of BloodClan
    Swiftpaw, he feels terror of what happened in his last few minutes of living

  11. 1) What is the name of the medicine cat of Thunderclan when Firepaw first comes into the forest? Who is she killed by? Spottedleaf, Clawface

    2) What is the warrior name that Bluestar, I repeat BLUESTAR, gives Brightpaw? Lostface

    3) In Fire & Ice, what is the name of the Riverclan warrior who Graystripe is unable to save from falling off of the gorge? Whiteclaw

    4) In what book does Yellowfang die? Of what? Rising Storm, she dies in a fire to save Patchpelt

    5) Who does Ravenpaw (love him!) go to stay with in Into the Wild? Barley

    6) Who kills Whitestorm? (whoever it is, THEY WILL DIE!!!!) Bone, deputy of evil Bloodclan

    7) Who gives Firestar the life of mentoring, and what does he experience?
    Swiftpaw, he experiences Swiftpaw's last piece of life before dying


  12. OK guys, you can stop posting stuff now. The deputy contest is almost over and I don't know some of you......O.o.....And Silverleaf, who do you RP?????
