Sunday, June 13, 2010
Closing Down
I will be closing down, NOT DELETING this blog. I have a ton of other blogs to attend to, and I will come back to this one when I am ready. In the meantime, all your characters will remain safe and sound. Thank you!!! :)
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
[Oh my StarClan I am so sorry that I haven't been getting on, I have a lot of work w/ my other blogs and I had to study for my exams (ugh). Luckily that is all over now, and I am going to try to come on more often! Again, I ask for forgiveness!]
Navystar jumped onto the Circle Stone, and meowed for attention. "I have made a troubling discovery," she announced. "While I was out hunting, I found a squirrel that had been shredded to bits." A whisper of uneasyness went through the Clan. "I am not suggesting that any of you did this," Navystar countered quickly, "In fact, I smelled a scent that seemed like a rouge had been there."
In the back of the crowd, Lightpaw stiffened. Navystar continued, "Keep on constant alert! I want Spiritsong to organize regular hunting and border patrols (post them in my den and I'll put them up). That is all!"
Saturday, May 29, 2010
A Mysterious Visitor
Lightpaw stalked through the undergrowth, keeping light on her paws. She was following the scent of a thrush. She could see it up ahead, it's gray wings glinting in the light that filtered down from the trees. She waggled her haunches, preparing to leap, but a crashing sound through the undergrowth startled it, and the thrush flew away.

Lightpaw kept silent, watching for whatever had scared away the thrush. A black tom that she had never seen before crashed through the branches. "Mouse dung!"
Lightpaw tensed her muscles, than sprang, catching the tom by surprise. "What the-", he gasped as Lightpaw bowled him over. She could feel the rush of blood in her head and ears, tuning everything out except the swish of claws and low growls of battle.
The tom was strong, but thin. He dug his sharp claws into Lightpaw's fur, and she let out a howl of frustration before biting his foreleg. He wrestled away from her.
"Truce!", he gasped. Lightpaw retorted, "Not before you tell me what you were doing here. Don't you know that this is IndigoClan territory?"
"IndigoClan? What's that?", asked the tom, completely unfazed by Lightpaw's hostile tone.
"You don't know? It's only the best Clan ever!"
"Clan...?", a sudden look of understanding crossed the black cat's face. "Oh, you mean those cats that live in big groups? And follow those stupid rules?"
"There NOT stupid!"
"Okay, okay, settle down.", the cat licked a forepaw. "By the way, my name is Dark. What's yours?"
"Lightpaw. What Clan do you belong to? I don't recognize your smell."
"I don't belong to any Clan. I'm what you call a rouge. I used to just live with my mother and father, but then my father died and-"
"I'm sorry."
"It's ok. Anyway, then a big group of rouges came along and we joined up with them."
Lightpaw's ears pricked up. "How many?"
Dark thought for a minute. "Around 8. More come each day."
Oh, no
"But tell me about your Clan. What is it like?"
"I-I can't. I have to go."
Dark looked dissapointed. "Okay. I'll see you again?"
"Maybe." I hope not...

<-- Dark. He is a black tom with yellow-green eyes. He is a rouge, but is about the age of an apprentice. His father and two siblings are dead, but his mother is alive. He is nice and friendly, but very loyal.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Here is who is going:
-All apprentices (including Leafpaw)
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Kit's Playground
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